Bold Insights

Celeste Stewart - Bold Insights Blog

Welcome to my blog

This space is dedicated to capturing my raw thoughts on a variety of topics. As you know by now, authenticity is so important to me. So this blog is a space for me to capture my thoughts in the most authentic way. I hope my thoughts inspire you. I also think that something shifts inside of us, when we hear others’ insights. It elevates our own thinking.


So pull up a chair, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy the reading. Keep a journal handy or your phone to capture your own thoughts and ideas. Feel free to also hop on over to social media to share your insights. I’d love to hear what they are!

Have you ever expressed yourself but felt your question wasn’t quite there yet? Like you’re not able to get the information you need to close the gap and it’s because your question isn’t formulated to the point where it can achieve this?...

Curiosity, to me, is also about independence. It’s about the thinker figuring things out by themselves. It’s about making a statement. It’s empowerment, it’s liberating. ...

I must admit, I have been asked this question about why I’m studying curiosity before. It has dawned on me that perhaps I was trying to think about my thinking and to think about curiosity in a very linear way. But my mind doesn’t work...

Why am I so fascinated with curiosity? I thought about this question many times, and for me, the why begins on a very personal note. As far as I can recall, I’ve always been a deeply curious person. My mind was always occupied with a question. I...

I miss you, Roy. I miss you so much. Why did you have to leave us so suddenly? Losing you is one thing but knowing that you were all alone when it happened, makes the pain worse. It feels wrong that you had to be alone especially...

My name is Celeste Stewart and I am the eldest daughter of Douglas and Cynthia Richards. Today I have the absolute privilege of doing the tribute of Roy Mark Cox. Thank you to everyone who agreed to grant me this opportunity. I want to say...

Right now, at this very point in my life, I’m juggling so many things. There are a few balls in the air and they’re big ones. Like moving into a home, finding a different school for my boys, the future of my business, completing my thesis etc....

Here’s to 44. I’m open to the lessons it’s about to teach me. Happy birthday to me. ...

Today, look in the mirror and love the person staring back at you. The person who is tired and depleted. The broken person. Love yourself in that state. And know that it’s ok to not to be ok. Give yourself that permission right now....

If you read this post and ‘don’t get it’ then please start to educate yourself on the dynamics of White privilege. ...