Author: Celeste Stewart

Your organisation has embarked on a graduate program, and you have been nominated as a mentor. Maybe you have mentored before, and you feel fairly comfortable doing so. Or maybe this is your very first time to mentor a young professional entering the working world....

Your organisation asked you to be a mentor. Or maybe someone has nominated you. Either way, you have been given the very important role of being a mentor to a young professional coming into the workplace. Your job is to help them with the...

Here we are, at the start of a new year. It’s always an exciting time as we have the gift of another year ahead of us. Another trip around the sun. Another opportunity to dream and achieve our goals. Another opportunity to activate your innate...

The end of 2021 is fast approaching. As I stand at the end of the year and look back, one thing I know for sure is that hands down, this year has been the most difficult year of my life. One lesson that has stood out...

In my previous blog post, I wrote about curiosity and trust. Now I want to talk about curiosity and its horrible neighbour – judgement! I’ve become really interested in how judgement shapes our lived experience with our own curiosity. Let me share a personal story...