

The end of 2021 is fast approaching. As I stand at the end of the year and look back, one thing I know for sure is that hands down, this year has been the most difficult year of my life.

One lesson that has stood out for me this year has been a reminder of the power of community. To all the graduates we have met this year – it’s been a blast. I hope our engagements have made the transition to the workplace a bit smoother for you. I hope you have added lots of tools and skills to your survival pack. Please continue to bring that young, feisty energy to the workplace. It’s so needed. Continue to shake things up.

To the mentors we have worked with – thank you for believing in the graduates you partner with. Thank you for being a thinking partner and for shaping the next generation of leaders. We salute you. To the line managers who have shown up and believed in people – thank you. It’s your daily engagements with staff that makes a remarkable difference.

To all the HR, L&D and Talent specialists we have dealt with. My people! The people-people! The heartbeat of the organisation. Thank you, my community. We soldier on in the quest to attract, develop and retain the best people for the organisation. Thank you for the partnerships and the enriching conversations around people development. I value our relationships and the connection.

To the EXCO and leadership teams we have worked with – I do hope our conversations have helped shape a leadership culture we can all be proud of, the type of leadership culture that attracts and retains the best employees. The type of leadership culture that you are happy to put your stamp on.

This year I was intentional about delivering more talks on the topic of curiosity. Thank you to the people who gave me the platform to present my freshest thinking on workplace curiosity. You’ll get a special mention when I publish my book.

To the team at Bold Curiosity – where do I even begin to express my gratitude? Magda Loubser (accountant), Chandré Davids (graphic designer) and Megan Richards (social media strategist) – thank you for being in my corner.

To the facilitators who have partnered with us on big projects this year – I have enjoyed the collaboration and partnerships. Thank you!

I couldn’t be where I am without the support of my amazing partner and sons – Shane, Isaiah and Sebastian. Thank you. I love you with my whole heart. My parents – Cynthia and Douglas, two of the greatest leaders I know, thank you for your unconditional love and support.

Thank you to my mentors. I value you so much.

2021 – you have been a difficult year. But my community has been the light that broke through the darkness and kept me going. And for that, I’ll be eternally grateful.

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